Taking Care of Animals

Taking Care of Animals

How To Take Care Of Animals - Ways of Caring Animals


Tuesday 10 October 2017


October 10, 2017 0

In a world where animal husbandry and poultry farms are of utmost necessity, a proper supplier of animal food and supplement are also necessary. Gone are those days when the animals were fed with the farm by products. Now is the time to opt for balanced diet for the animals to grow better and faster. 

The human population is increasing at a humongous rate and so is the demand for food. This is why; the animals in the farm need to be healthy and more productive. A loss in the cattle or poultry lives is very devastating for the owner, as well as, for the population. In fact, the diseases tend to spread very quickly among the animals. This is where the vet medicines come in very handy. Refit Animal Care is the righteous name for seeking a franchise to solve the health-related problems in an animal farm. 

Why seek animal healthcare products franchise?

This brand has grown leaps and bounds over the years due to the brilliantly-designed food products for the animals. It also provides the best-in-class veterinary medicines to stop the chronic animal diseases from spreading in the farm.

The franchising from this brand is a perfect opportunity to become a part of the revolutionary idea where the animals will have proper protection from the threatening diseases and will also get balanced supplements to grow healthy.

With the aid of the veterinary products franchise you can secure your investments and save the cattle farms from threats due to malnutrition of the animals. The regions where the animal farms are the main source of income are the best bet to get a franchise and serve the farmers. Livestock is a very important part of the civilization. No matter how far we have progressed, without livestock, we cannot meet the daily needs. In order to maintain a continuous flow of the animal products, we need to ensure good health and good feed supplements for the livestock. To reach every corner of the country, we are offering home based franchise opportunities to those who really want to be an encouragement in their local region. Availing great animal products at a very nominal price will also encourage the farmers to take their profession to a new level. In this way, the business will also swell in due time and the entire locality will be benefited with the franchise.  

Why us?

It is the franchise that has made poultry farm business more profitable and prospective for the farmers. Designing a good supplement with balanced nutrient formula is only possible via expertise and experience. We also take care of the marketing part of the products to aid your business.
It is our franchising opportunity that is changing the scenario of animal husbandry and poultry farming in the rural areas. By availing our veterinary business franchise you can be a significant part of the progress in your region. If you are a farming aficionado, then opt for our franchise and provide the leading supplements and vet medicines to the farmers.

Tuesday 26 September 2017


September 26, 2017 0

Feeding is an important part of raising your animals. It makes up the major cost of good nutrition and production. This is reflected in the performance of bird or animals and its products. Everybody should understand the importance and role of nutrition in animal health profitability and animal productivity.  

http://www.refitanimalcare.comAnimal productivity can be increased means for example a cow may improve milk production without affecting milk composition. These supplements can also improve milk fatty acid profile, pregnancy rates and much more. You can look for animal feed supplements for your animals. These supplements incorporate natural ingredients and offers lots of health benefits. 

Veterinary Products play very important role in protecting and maintaining animal health. These products are categorized as Poultry Products, Cattle Feed Supplements and other Nutritional Supplements.  You should concentrate on the nutritional need of the animals in order to protect them from any disease. You can find wide range of such products including herbal liver tonic, liquid calcium supplements, mineral mixture and much more. These supplements for animals have their own benefits.  Animal Feed Supplement are required to maintain productivity, ensure good health and proper growth of the animals.

Similarly mineral mixture is also very important. Minerals are very essential for proper metallic functions so you can go for mineral mixture that contains all the essential minerals.

·         There are lots of benefits of feeding mineral mixture.
·         It is very helpful in improving growth rate in calves.
·         It is good for utilization of absorbed nutrients.
·         It helps enhance productivity such as milk production in animals.
·         It helps reduce inter-calving period.
·         It helps improve reproductive efficiency.
·         It enhances productive life of animals.
·         It is very helpful in improving immunity status.
·         It also prevents metabolic disease such as ketosis, milk fever, haematuria that may occur during calving period.

Similarly veterinary fertility bolus is also very important to bring the animals in heat; I mean it is important to rejuvenate all fertility factors of an animal:
Mineral Mixture for Cattle

Some cattle may face Anoestrus. This is the absence of proper heat or estrus cycle. There may be the lots of reasons that may affect heat cycle in cattle that may include hormonal changes, breeding, nutritional and management. The main cause is the nutritional deficiency; it means balanced nutrition is the major fertility factor of cattle.  A proper Vitamin and Mineral rich feed may enhance breeding efficiency and growth of cattle. Veterinary boluses can be used to overcome the problem. Many farmers use it as cattle fertility boluses as it is very helpful in improving reproductive efficiency of animals. Similarly Mineral Supplement for Cattle plays very important role in maintaining health of cattle.

If you are looking for reliable Veterinary Products Manufacturer, then you should explore refitanimalcare.com. Here you will get quality products at best price.  If you need not to compromise of quality and budget, then this place would be best for you. 

Hope you find this post useful and informative, do comment if you have any query.

Tuesday 19 September 2017


September 19, 2017 0

Our country is mainly driven by agriculture and farming. Due to its expansion in vast area, we do experience diversity in natural and climatic conditions. This is really a great reason that enables us to perform various types of farming. Apart from growing fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc., we also practice horticulture, raising cattle and poultry farming as well.

Poultry farming is the very common in our country. In this type of framing, people raise and feed domesticated birds in order to get meat or eggs that are used as food by humans. These birds such as chicken, geese, turkeys, etc. are raised in large numbers and chicken is the most common breed used for poultry farming. Chicken are raised for both eggs and meat. Those that are raised for eggs are termed as layers and those raised for meat are termed as broilers.

Whatever is the objective behind poultry farming, it is very necessary to take proper care of nutrition and diet of birds. However, most of the poultry farmers in India are not able to feed their poultry birds properly. Due to which quality of the meat and eggs derived from these birds is not good. This compels the farmers in sell their products in much lower rates. Now, since they don’t earn much profit, they are not able to buy good food for the birds. This is a kind of vicious circle
That goes on and on.

REFIT ANIMAL CARE has thought of this problem faced by Indian poultry farmers and took a step towards their betterment. Refit is the leading company in India for Self Employment through Poultry Farming in much affordable price, thus enabling financially weak farmers to get good quality feed for birds. This improves the health of the birds and in turn the quality of meat and eggs. Refit has a great network across the nation and its products are safe and well tested for adequate growth of birds. It is very important that we feed these birds well because the quality of meat or eggs entirely depends on the type of diet given to the poultry birds.

Refit Animal Care is one of the most promising animal care products manufacturing companies. It produces nutritional supplements for cattle and poultry. So if you are interested in buying Poultry products franchise, then Refit is the best option for you. Refit is most preferred company of India for poultry feed and it offers Poultry feed supplement franchise.

There are various other reasons as well for which people prefer to get the franchise from Refit Animal Care. Few of them are as follows:

a) High quality products that is well tested and safe.
b) It offers 24x7 helpline support.
c) It also conducts promotional events for the franchisees to enhance their business.

Wednesday 6 September 2017


September 06, 2017 0

Franchise business format is very much common these days. This is also the most talked about business format among majority of people. Actually, in this business format, there are two terms the franchiser and the franchise.

In this model, a company authorizes an individual or a group to carry out some specific business activities for them. A good example of this model would be an agent marketing a product of XYZ Company. So, here XYZ Company is the franchiser and the agent is franchisee. The agent is selling products of that company as he is authorized by the company to do so. Many companies across the globe are following this model. Franchising is one of the most widely used and accepted business ideas.

Refit Animal Care is a well known brand for veterinary products. Refit is offering its franchise in India and hence improving the franchise opportunities in India. Refit is a company that aims at good health of animals by improving their growth with the help of nutritional supplements. The good health of cattle in turn improves the farmer’s economy. These days the feed that is offered to the animals is not that nutritious and lacks the essential nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to feed them with proper nutritional supplements.

There are various products manufactured by Refit Animal Care and have proved to be very effective in improving animals’ health. They have wide range of products specific to cattle or poultry. They manufacture good quality nutritional supplements that can be easily consumed by animals. The large list of products include herbal liver tonic, calcium supplement (liquid), mixture of minerals, etc. The products are available with brand names as: Refertile Bolus, R-Booster, Resure, Recal Gel, etc.

People who are looking for a good franchise opportunities can go for Refit Animal Care and get a Veterinary products franchise . Getting a franchise from Refit can be good source of secondary income for anyone who opts for it. We know that it is always good to have a secondary source of income as well. Refit is growing at great pace in India and has its presence in almost every part of this nation. Its products are safe for animals and are effective as well.

People choose to be a part of Refit Animal Care franchise as it has a lot to offer in form of services and good quality veterinary products. In addition to it Refit offers free brochures and various other facilities such as 24x7 helpline and support via Digital Marketing. Not only this, Refit Animal Care offers great assistance in promoting the business of franchise. The products manufactured by Refit are free from any side effects and are very genuine products. Various farmers have experienced good growth their cattle and have recommended Refit Animal Care products. These products are made with great care and are very hygienic and healthy. This is somehow can be good for your business growth.

If you have any query regarding franchise opportunities in India, drop us an email, we would be happy to assist you.